
SKU 4357

The WF-2015 is a Wi-Fi interface and 6-channel RTD input module for long-distance temperature measurement, and features automatic compensation for three-wire RTD sensor, meaning that accurate measurements can be obtained regardless of the length of the wires. With the popularity of 802.11 network infrastructure, the WF-2015 makes an easy way to incorporate wireless connectivity into monitoring and control systems. The WF-2015 also supports Modbus/TCP and UDP protocols and the network encryption configuration, which makes perfect integration to SCADA software and offer easy and safe access for users from anytime and anywhere.

  • 6-channel RTD Input
  • 3-wire RTD Input with Lead Resistance Elimination
  • Open Wire Detection
  • Individual Channel Configuration
  • Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/g standards
  • Support WEP, WPA and WPA2 wireless encryption
  • Support Modbus/TCP and UDP protocols
  • Support DHCP network configuration
  • 4 kV ESD/EFT Protection
  • 3000 VDC Intra-module Isolation
  • Built-in Watchdog

WF-2015 CR: 6-channel RTD Input Wi-Fi I/O Module (RoHS)