
SKU 4237

GW-5492 is a fully configurable universal Modbus RTU to BACnet/IP gateway. The GW-5492 includes BACnet/IP Server and Modbus RTU Master which is used to make Modbus RTU devices accessible on a BACnet network.
BACnet (Building Automation and Control Networking) protocol has been designed specifically to meet the communication needs of building automation and control systems for applications such as heating, ventilating, air-conditioning control…etc.

General Features

  • Quickly and Cost Effectively integrate networks
  • Provide PWR/Communication Status indication LED
  • Read/Write any standard Modbus register via BACnet
  • No Programming Required
  • Modbus register mapping configured via web interface


  • Fully Compliant with BACnet/IP Server
  • Supports up to 200 objects each of types: Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog Value, Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary Value, Multi-State Input, Multi-State Output
  • BIBB (BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks) Supported: DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DS-WPM-B, DS-COV-B, DM-DDB-B, DM-DOB-B, DM-DCC-B, DM-TS-B, DM-UTC-B, DM-RD-B

Modbus RTU

  • Fully User Configurable Modbus RTU Slave
  • Supports Modbus coils, input register, holding registers
  • Supports for Function Code 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x10, 0x0F
  • Baud rates supported: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps

GW-5492: BACnet/IP to Modbus RTU Gateway